Trading Ventures was formed as an offshoot of Grupo ITV Peru specifically to export products from the artisanal groups that cannot do this themselves either because of their location or because they do not have trained personnel who can manage the more complicated export documents. As we have considerable expertise in managing exports we have been able to access tax benefits and incorporate them into our pricing, thus being able to give a competitive price for special handmade articles whilst also paying top price to the artisans themselves.
Through Trading Ventures we are able to give back to the Peruvian communities by promoting and supporting talented individuals and groups of artisans throughout Peru. We achieve this by providing them with the tools and opportunities to produce quality items designed by our clients, letting them use their skills to improve their lifestyle. All of the communities that we collaborate with have specific, individual, indigenous techniques, which have been passed down through the generations. We tap into these core skills and combine them with the modern designs of our clients in order to deliver the unique high-quality end products that our clients are looking for.
We have always been governed by fair trade ideals and principles and are currently in the process of Fair Trade Certification which started in July and will continue until the beginning of 2020 .
We want our clients to be part of this process also and will be sending out monthly newsletters as to our progress documenting all the activities and training programs we are initiating .

Our mission is to rescue and teach ancestral techniques in danger of disappearing and promote hand knitting crochet and weaving made in different regions of Peru ,generating employment and wellbeing for all genders on all social and cultural levels in different regions and climate zones of Peru ,and to show the world that Peru can produce top quality garments that can compete on a world wide basis.
We believe in Fair Trade and give priority to natural organic ecological materials produced in Peru under strict quality control guidelines ,respecting the environment . We believe in creating long tern relationships with all our trading partners, employees, artisans, suppliers and clients ,offering quality products made with loving care and giving and receiving benefits that go beyond traditional working relationships.
We reject child labour in all its forms and are will be giving talks on this to all our suppliers and associates
Our vision is to develop new markets, grow in our relationships with current customers. Offer innovative products and venture into new segments (men) while retaining manual techniques with greater added value. Generate new jobs and contribute to the development and quality of life of the artisans ; respecting and disseminating good Fair Trade practices.
Trabajamos con integridad y honestidad, de acuerdo con las reglas y el buen comercio justo. Realizamos campañas activas contra el trabajo infantil.
A los empleados, artesanos, clientes y sociedad en general, con un trato justo y equitativo que valore las formas y normas con el fin de crear un ambiente de confianza mutua.
Somos responsables en nuestras relaciones con nuestros socios artesanos, clientes y colaboradores. Actualizamos constantemente todo sobre el estado de la producción y las muestras y avisamos inmediatamente de cualquier problema con el mismo.
Trabajo en Equipo
Formamos y desarrollamos equipos para compartir tareas con el fin de lograr un objetivo común, anteponiendo el objetivo grupal al individual.
Ser capaces de adaptarnos a las circunstancias y nuevas tendencias del mercado, manteniendo nuestra misión sobre las técnicas ancestrales y la preservación del medio ambiente.